Saturday 15 July 2023


Sometimes when it come to roll-out, training and adoption of new software we forget to explain the purpose, benefirs and how it should be used. We may also fail to set-up the on-line and off-line support as well as examples, guidance and templates. Moreover if we have not improved upon the legacy systems (perhaps face to face and pen and paper) we will see them retained, reducing the adoption and benefits of the new systems(s).


The empathy map, originally created by dave gray, is a powerful tool to understand users on a deeper level and create a shared understanding of user needs within the team. It can help significantly with the communication of change and adoption of technology in the following ways…

UNDERSTANDING USER’S PERSPECTIVE: An Empathy Map helps in understanding what the users see, hear, think and feel, their pains, and their gains. This insight is critical when communicating the need for change and how the new technology will address these aspects.

IDENTIFYING CONCERNS AND RESERVATIONS: By focusing on the emotional state of the user, Empathy Maps can help identify potential concerns, fears, or reservations users may have about the new technology. This allows you to address these issues proactively in your communication strategy.

TAILORING COMMUNICATION: The insights gained from the Empathy Map allow for a more personalized and targeted communication strategy. You can tailor your message to resonate with the users by speaking directly to their needs, pains, and goals.

BUILDING TRUST AND ENGAGEMENT: Using an Empathy Map demonstrates that you value users’ input and understand their needs, which can increase trust and engagement. This can make users more receptive to the change and more willing to adopt the new technology.

DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE TRAINING: The insights from an Empathy Map can help design a more effective training program. Knowing what the users are thinking and feeling can help tailor the training content and methodology to better suit their needs.

DRIVING ADOPTION: Ultimately, a deeper understanding of users will lead to better strategies for encouraging the adoption of new technology. By addressing their needs and concerns effectively, you can drive more widespread and enthusiastic adoption.


Here are top tips for roll-out, training and adoption of new software, things to prepare and do before, during and after


IDENTIFY PURPOSE AND BENEFITS: Clearly define the purpose of the new software, its benefits, and how it will improve upon legacy systems. Also, explain how the software should be used in detail. This will help create a sense of ownership among the users and increase the likelihood of successful adoption.

STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT: Involve all relevant stakeholders from the beginning of the process. This includes not only the end-users but also IT, management, and any others who will be impacted by the change. Gathering their feedback and addressing their concerns early on can increase buy-in and support for the rollout.

TRAINING MATERIAL PREPARATION: Prepare comprehensive training material that covers all aspects of the new software, including practical examples, guidance, and templates. Use a variety of formats like videos, slide decks, and step-by-step guides to cater to different learning styles.

TEST RUN: Conduct a pilot test with a small group of users. This allows you to identify any problems, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments before the full rollout.


COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING: Organize comprehensive training sessions to familiarize users with the new software. Use real-life scenarios to demonstrate how the software should be used and its benefits.

PROVIDE SUPPORT: Set up both online and offline support to assist users with any difficulties they encounter. This could include a dedicated helpdesk, online forums, and on-site technical support.

REGULAR COMMUNICATION: Keep users informed about the rollout’s progress and any upcoming changes. This helps to alleviate any anxiety or confusion and ensures that users are prepared for each step of the rollout.


FOLLOW-UP TRAINING: Schedule follow-up training sessions to address any problems users may be experiencing and to reinforce the training content. This is also an opportunity to introduce more advanced features of the software.

MONITOR USAGE: Monitor usage of the software to ensure it’s being used as intended and that users are taking full advantage of its features. This can be done through software analytics or user surveys.

CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: Gather feedback regularly from users about their experiences and any difficulties they’re encountering. Use this feedback to make continuous improvements to the software and the training materials.

RECOGNIZE AND REWARD: Recognize and reward users who adopt the software quickly and effectively. This could be through public recognition or small incentives. This helps to encourage others to follow suit and accelerates the adoption process.

Remember, patience and persistence are key in this process. Change can be challenging and intimidating for many people, and it’s important to provide plenty of support and encouragement along the way.


“TechAdoptPro” is a comprehensive technology roll-out, training, and adoption service designed to support organizations in seamlessly integrating new software into their operations. We specialize in change management and user adoption to ensure your transition is smooth, and your team is ready to hit the ground running.

Our services include stakeholder engagement, training material preparation, test runs, comprehensive hands-on training, online and offline support, regular communication updates, follow-up training, usage monitoring, and continuous improvement based on user feedback. We also provide a reward and recognition system to encourage and accelerate software adoption among users.


STREAMLINED ROLL-OUT: Our expert team ensures that your software roll-out is seamless and efficient, reducing potential downtime and increasing productivity.

INCREASED ADOPTION RATES: Through our comprehensive training and continuous support, we help increase adoption rates, ensuring your team fully utilizes the software’s capabilities.

REDUCED RESISTANCE: We handle resistance to change proactively through stakeholder engagement and regular communication, ensuring your team is on board with the transition.

CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: We provide continuous feedback and improvement strategies to enhance the software usage and user experience.

SAVE TIME AND RESOURCES: Our turnkey solution saves you the time and resources needed to plan and execute a software roll-out and training, allowing you to focus on your core business.

IMPROVED ROI: With higher adoption rates and efficient use of the software, your organization can realize an improved return on investment.

#TechAdoptPro; #SeamlessTechTransition; #SmoothTechRollout; #ProactiveAdoption; #SoftwareTrainingExperts; #ChangeManagementPros; #UnlockingTechPotential; #BoostYourROI; #UserAdoptionMatters; #TransformWithTechAdoptPro;

Tim HJ Rogers
MBA (Management Consultancy) & Change Practitioner
ICF Accreditation Trained Coach IoD Business Mentor, Mediator
Adapt Consulting Company

There is an optimum combination of factors or qualities which help people and organisations transform. It is a blend of listening, challenging and sharing and comes from expertise, experience, curiosity and a passion to perform. We deliver projects and change, and improve the confidence, capacity, drive and desire of the people we work with. We understand data, technology and process and support people to drive performance and progress for purpose, profit and planet.

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