Wednesday 31 May 2023




Getting into a state of “flow” means being completely absorbed in an activity: focussed, in control, and creative. Read: productive. While we have all experienced falling into a flow state at random and emerging, blinking, an hour later having blasted through a load of work, there are also ways of stimulating this state. Distractions are anathema to flow, so nix those first of all. Having specific rituals before beginning work can help, alongside ensuring you are invested in the work, and that the task is just challenging enough to stretch you without being too hard.

Tim HJ Rogers
ICF Coach, Mentor, Mediation Practitioner
MBA Management Consultant + Change Practitioner
Projects, Programmes and PMO, PRINCE2 Agile-Scrum, Lean, Six-Sigma

Follow adapt-consulting-company on LinkedIn

We support businesses with people, process and technology change. Either small (eg SME start-ups) or large (eg privatisation of public-sector organisations).
We do this as Consultant/Project Manager sometimes setting-up an in-house Project Management Office (PMO) and Change Team. We also Mentor for programmes like the UK IoD  BeTheBusiness.

#people #process #performance #projects #programmes #pmo #change #processimprovement #projectmanagement #changemanagement #workshops #mediation #coach #icfcoach #mentor #facilitation #training #jersey #channelislands

Special Advisors in Government: Exploring Democratic and Public Policy Implications

Special Advisors in Government: Exploring Democratic and Public Policy Implications

Introduction: When governments seek special advisors, their choices can have far-reaching implications for democratic decision-making and public policy outcomes. This article delves into the three types of advisors mentioned – independent critical friends, cheerleaders and spin doctors, and experts with insight and agenda. We will explore the pros and cons of each advisor type for the government, policy development, and the public. Furthermore, we will analyze the democratic and public policy implications associated with these advisors.

1. Independent Critical Friend: An independent critical friend acts as a voice of impartiality, providing constructive criticism and holding the government accountable. Let's examine the implications:

Democratic Implications:

• Enhanced Accountability: Independent critical friends ensure democratic accountability by subjecting decision-makers to rigorous scrutiny and evaluation.

• Checks and Balances: Their presence helps prevent the concentration of power, fostering a more democratic decision-making process.

Public Policy Implications:

• Improved Policy Quality: Critical friends challenge assumptions and offer constructive feedback, leading to more well-informed policies and reducing the risk of flawed decision-making.

• Ethical Governance: By incorporating critical feedback, governments can enhance the ethical dimensions of their policies, promoting fairness, transparency, and public trust.

2. Cheerleaders and Spin Doctors: Cheerleaders and spin doctors focus on promoting the government's agenda and shaping public perception. Let's explore the implications:

Democratic Implications:

• Manipulation of Public Opinion: Concerns arise about the potential manipulation of public opinion, which can undermine the democratic process by limiting open and informed debates.

• Public Perception Challenges: Overemphasis on positive messaging and spin may create a perception of a lack of transparency and authenticity, eroding public trust.

Public Policy Implications:

• Implementation Support: Cheerleaders and spin doctors contribute to effective policy implementation by generating public support and facilitating communication between the government and citizens.

• Potential Policy Distortion: Emphasizing positive messaging can prioritize political expediency over thorough policy analysis, potentially leading to policy distortions that fail to address underlying issues.

3. Experts with Insight and Agenda: Experts with insight and agenda bring specialized knowledge relevant to government decision-making. Let's consider the implications:

Democratic Implications:

• Expertise-Based Decision-Making: Incorporating experts supports evidence-based policy-making, promoting informed and rational decision-making processes.

• Potential Concentration of Influence: Overreliance on experts with specific agendas may concentrate influence in policy areas aligned with their perspectives, potentially excluding alternative viewpoints.

Public Policy Implications:

• Policy Effectiveness: Experts contribute to effective policies by leveraging their specialized knowledge and experiences, resulting in more targeted and impactful outcomes.

• Lack of Policy Pluralism: Depending heavily on experts with specific agendas may limit the diversity of policy options considered, potentially overlooking alternative approaches that better address public needs and aspirations.

Conclusion: Governments must carefully consider the democratic and public policy implications associated with different types of advisors. Independent critical friends enhance accountability and policy quality, while cheerleaders and spin doctors influence public perception and implementation support. Experts with insight and agenda provide specialized knowledge but must be balanced with the need for diverse perspectives. Striking a balance among these advisor types is crucial for fostering transparent and effective democratic decision-making processes and developing policies that truly serve the public interest.

Balancing Roles and Souls Embracing Jungian Thinking in the Modern Workplace

This is a quick article based on a 5 minute chat with Glenda Rivoallan. I will find time to write a longer more in depth article sometime in the future, particularly as it applies to personal and organisational change.

Introduction: In the fast-paced and ever-evolving modern world, individuals often find themselves torn between fulfilling their professional roles and staying connected to their inner selves. This struggle raises an intriguing question: Should we be led solely by the demands of our roles, or should we strive to be led by our souls, acknowledging our deeper essence and purpose? Drawing inspiration from Jungian psychology, this article explores the differences between being led by our roles and being led by our souls, delving into their implications and impact for individuals navigating the complexities of the contemporary workplace.

The Call of Roles: In the realm of work, roles are essential components that define our responsibilities, tasks, and contributions. We step into various roles such as employee, manager, leader, or specialist, each carrying specific expectations and objectives. Being led by our roles implies wholeheartedly embracing these external demands, focusing on meeting targets, adhering to job descriptions, and striving for professional success. While roles provide structure and direction, an overemphasis on them can lead to a loss of individual identity, stifling our deeper desires and potential for personal growth.

The Whisper of the Soul: Jungian psychology invites us to explore the realm of the soul—the innermost core that embodies our authentic self and individuality. Being led by our souls entails listening to the whispers of our inner voice, acknowledging our unique passions, values, and aspirations. It involves aligning our work with our deepest sense of purpose, allowing our authentic selves to shine through. Embracing this perspective opens doors to creativity, fulfillment, and a profound sense of meaning in the workplace.

Implications for the Modern World:

1. Authenticity and Well-being: When individuals are encouraged to be led by their souls, they experience a greater sense of authenticity, leading to increased well-being and job satisfaction. By integrating their true selves into their professional lives, they cultivate a harmonious work-life balance and establish a genuine connection with their colleagues and superiors.

2. Innovation and Creativity: Nurturing an environment that values individual uniqueness and encourages soul-led leadership fosters innovation and creativity. When employees are empowered to bring their authentic perspectives to the table, diverse ideas emerge, sparking innovation, and driving organizations forward.

3. Meaningful Contributions: Being led by the soul inspires individuals to seek purposeful work and make meaningful contributions. As people align their skills and passions with their roles, their work becomes more than just a means to an end. They become catalysts for positive change and agents of transformation within their organizations.

4. Resilience and Adaptability: Embracing soul-led leadership equips individuals with a resilient mindset and adaptability. When faced with challenges or setbacks, those who are deeply connected to their inner selves find strength and guidance, enabling them to navigate turbulent times with grace and determination.

Conclusion: In today's rapidly changing world, the dichotomy between being led by our roles and being led by our souls presents a compelling narrative. By integrating insights from Jungian thinking, we can embrace a balanced approach that acknowledges both the demands of our roles and the longing of our souls. By doing so, we unlock the potential for greater authenticity, fulfillment, innovation, and resilience in the modern workplace. As individuals and organizations begin to appreciate the importance of soul-led leadership, we pave the way for a more holistic and empowering work environment, where individuals thrive, and collective success is nurtured.


Tim HJ Rogers

ICF Trained Coach, IoD Business Mentor, Mediator

Mob 447797762051



Schrödinger's cat is a pretend experiment that helps us understand some strange things. In the experiment, there's a cat inside a box with a special machine that can randomly release poison. The weird part is that until we open the box and look inside, the cat is considered to be both alive and dead at the same time! It's like the cat is in two different states at once.

I have done a few project rescues in my time and often they are like Schrödinger's cat. The project is at the same time 80% done on budget, 110% done on effort, 50% done on discussion and design and 10% done on delivery.

If you have a project like this, it needs to be rescued.

These are the go-to documents that I look at to help diagnose the problem

The contract: The contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties that outlines the terms and conditions of a project. It specifies the scope of work, deliverables, timelines, payment terms, and any other important aspects that both parties have agreed upon.

The PID (Project Initiation Document): The PID is a document that provides a comprehensive overview of the project. It includes the project objectives, scope, stakeholders, risks, resources required, and high-level timeline. The PID serves as a reference point to ensure that everyone involved understands the project's purpose and key details.

The Plan: The project plan is a detailed document that outlines the specific activities, tasks, and milestones required to complete the project. It includes a breakdown of work, timelines, dependencies, resource allocation, and any constraints that need to be considered. The plan serves as a roadmap to guide the project team in executing the work effectively and efficiently.

The requirements document: The requirements document captures the functional and non-functional requirements of the project. It details what the project aims to achieve and the specific features, functionalities, or criteria that must be met. This document helps stakeholders understand and communicate their expectations for the project's outcome.

The budget: The budget document outlines the estimated costs associated with the project. It includes expenses for resources, materials, equipment, and any other relevant expenditures. The budget helps project managers and stakeholders understand the financial implications of the project and ensure that the necessary funds are allocated appropriately.

The latest update report: The latest update report provides a snapshot of the project's current status and progress. It includes information on completed tasks, ongoing activities, any issues or risks encountered, and upcoming milestones. The report helps stakeholders stay informed about the project's progress, make decisions, and address any challenges or changes that may arise.

If you need to rescue a project this is where to start. If you need help, give me a call.

Tim HJ Rogers

Adapt Consulting Company

We support people and organisations with Processes, Projects and Change

Mob 447797762051

#people #process #performance #projects #programmes #pmo #change #processimprovement #projectmanagement #changemanagement #workshops #mediation #coach #icfcoach #mentor #facilitation #training #jersey #channelislands

Tuesday 30 May 2023

TIM'S PRODUCTIVITY TIPS > One small change



One small change
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Even the biggest achievements are composed of hundreds of small actions. Incorporating small, incremental changes to your habits gives you a much higher chance of succeeding than a sudden, huge change that jars your system and is more likely to demotivate you sooner. Want to learn a new language? Learn just two new words per day. Over time, these small, painless changes, which took so little effort to get started, will build up, and it will get easier to increase the load over time.

Tim HJ Rogers
ICF Coach, Mentor, Mediation Practitioner
MBA Management Consultant + Change Practitioner
Projects, Programmes and PMO, PRINCE2 Agile-Scrum, Lean, Six-Sigma

Follow adapt-consulting-company on LinkedIn

We support businesses with people, process and technology change. Either small (eg SME start-ups) or large (eg privatisation of public-sector organisations).
We do this as Consultant/Project Manager sometimes setting-up an in-house Project Management Office (PMO) and Change Team. We also Mentor for programmes like the UK IoD  BeTheBusiness.

#people #process #performance #projects #programmes #pmo #change #processimprovement #projectmanagement #changemanagement #workshops #mediation #coach #icfcoach #mentor #facilitation #training #jersey #channelislands



The PERMA model is a positive psychology model that can be used to promote well-being and flourishing. The acronym stands for:
Positive Emotions: Focusing on positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, and contentment
Engagement: Engaging in activities that provide a sense of flow and absorption
Relationships: Cultivating positive relationships with others
Meaning: Identifying and pursuing activities that provide a sense of purpose and meaning
Accomplishment: Setting and achieving goals to build self-esteem and confidence

Thinking Feeling Being

We support people and organisations achieve their goals through facilitation, workshops, mentoring, mediation and sharing change resources
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Coaching for Change Management

Coaching for Change Management

Change management coaching is popular among professionals seeking to navigate organizational change effectively. As a change management coach, I have helped individuals to develop change management plans, communicate effectively, and lead teams through transitions. If you're looking to navigate change and build resilience, let's work together.

Thinking Feeling Being

We support people and organisations achieve their goals through facilitation, workshops, mentoring, mediation and sharing change resources
#careercoaching #changeresources #coach #coaching #communicationcoaching #facilitation #feeling #icfcoach #leadershipcoaching #mediation #mentor #mentoring #philosophy #psychology #purpose #thinking #timemanagement #worklifebalance #workshops

Monday 29 May 2023



TASK: Set-up and manage an acquisition programme and post-acquisition integration tasks for IT business

ROLE: Project Manager/Consultant

ISSUES: Following a multimillion-dollar investment of the organisation was seeking to grow by acquisition and the requirement was to set-up and manage a series of work-stream for the post-acquisition tasks including integration of people, process and technology.

ACTION: Set-up the project role, goals, controls and then co-ordinated and managed project execution for the following.

LEGAL & REGULATORY: All legal, contractual work relating to acquisition / transfer of people, clients, suppliers, agreements, contracts, services. This to include necessary local and foreign regulatory issues.

HR AND STAFF: All HR related work including, contracts, handbook, on-boarding staff, culture, training, skills development, skills matrix

SERVICES: All service-related work to align with organisation, upload of contracts, products, services, pricing, helpdesk data, billing data, necessary documentation, guidance and training of staff on processes and technology

FINANCE: All finance and accounting work including nominal ledges, etc., integrationof accounts, set-up of reports (incl regulatory reporting )

COMPLIANCE: All matters relating to ISMS, QMS, SOC, ISO etc., necessary to maintain "their" and "our" standards and to plan the integration and harmonisation over agreed timetable.

MARKETING: All marketing including necessary branding (of premises, property, kit) and communication (to customers, suppliers, markets etc.)

CULTURE COMMUNICATIONS: All matters relating to culture and communication for "them" and "us" (both will have to make changes) and how the organisation integrate and work together

OUTCOME: Using a common-sense approach to project (tasks) and change (people & process) management, successfully completed acquisitions in across three jurisdictions with a clear road-map of tasks and responsibilities and were making progress in the right direction.


Blog no. 1: typical post-acquisition integration tasks to align businesses

Blog no. 2: risks of failure to properly integrate

Blog no. 3: benefits of a clear target operating model and programme management office

Blog no. 4: best practices for successful post-acquisition integration

Thursday 25 May 2023



I have always had a preference for policy and process over personality and an affinity for good management (helping people, process, production, profit and planet) over leadership which is often about celebrity and wealth, with pronouncements and announcements based on oratory rather than delivery.

However, I recognise and accept that this is a minority view and there current zeitgeist is about vision and mission, dreams and ambition, attitude and advice, rather than discourse and delivery, action and accountability.

So accepting that leadership is where it is at, I am curious about when leaders lead, when they follow and when they hide.

I have been in meetings with very senior people, mostly CEOs, who seem unable to articulate their strategy and plans for implementation, or even metrics to focus resources and effort and measure progress and performance.

Too often they seem to want to be directed, by government, by the Board, by the shareholders although seldom by the customers or the staff. I am supportive of discussion prior to decision and delivery, but surely it is incumbent on the leaders to promote and provoke the discussion rather than wait for direction.


The principal is an individual or organization that delegates work, and the agent is the one who performs the work. The relationship can often be found in situations where the owner of a company (the principal) hires a manager (the agent) to run the company on their behalf.

The agency effect can have several implications on management and leadership:

1. Alignment of Interests: The biggest challenge in the principal-agent relationship is aligning the interests of both parties. The principal is interested in the overall success of the organization, while the agent may be more concerned with their personal gain, such as salary, job security, or professional reputation. To mitigate this, incentives can be designed to align the agent's interests with those of the principal, such as performance-based bonuses or stock options.

2. Risk Preference Mismatch: Often, principals and agents have different risk preferences. Principals might want agents to pursue risky ventures that could bring high returns, while agents may prefer safer options that ensure their job security and steady income. This can affect decision-making and strategic planning.

3. Information Asymmetry: There's often a discrepancy in the information available to principals and agents. Agents, being on the ground, have more detailed and timely information, while principals have broader, though potentially delayed, information. This can create situations where agents manipulate information to their benefit, impacting decision-making and transparency.

4. Monitoring Costs: Principals often incur costs in monitoring the activities of agents to ensure they're acting in the best interest of the organization. These costs can include implementing control systems, conducting audits, or hiring additional supervisory staff.

5. Moral Hazard: This refers to the situation where an agent takes risks because the negative effects will be borne by the principal. This can result in reckless behavior by the agent, if they believe they won't suffer the consequences of their actions.


The above is set in the context of company (the principal) hires a manager (the agent) but what if “the principal” is society or policy and “the agent” is an organisation, business, quango or voluntary body.

Do leaders ostensibly become managers, awaiting a sign before making suggestions? Are they simply players on a stage awaiting direction?

William Shakespeare's play "As You Like It," specifically the monologue from Act II, Scene VII. The character Jacques speaks these lines:

"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages."

This famous quote is a metaphor comparing the world to a stage and life to a play, suggesting that we all have roles we play throughout our lives.


This observation is borne from a frustration of very senior people to be willing to grapple with difficult issues, engage in necessary dialogue, make decisions and deliver. Instead too often they are like a celebrity actor waiting for someone to prompt them with Q-cards on the next line of the script and eager that their character is seen as central to the plot.

In this context I welcome the humble manager who simply knows what needs to be done and gets on with it, rather like a stage-hand.

TIM'S PRODUCTIVITY TIPS > One small change



One small change
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Even the biggest achievements are composed of hundreds of small actions. Incorporating small, incremental changes to your habits gives you a much higher chance of succeeding than a sudden, huge change that jars your system and is more likely to demotivate you sooner. Want to learn a new language? Learn just two new words per day. Over time, these small, painless changes, which took so little effort to get started, will build up, and it will get easier to increase the load over time.

Tim HJ Rogers
ICF Coach, Mentor, Mediation Practitioner
MBA Management Consultant + Change Practitioner
Projects, Programmes and PMO, PRINCE2 Agile-Scrum, Lean, Six-Sigma

Follow adapt-consulting-company on LinkedIn

We support businesses with people, process and technology change. Either small (eg SME start-ups) or large (eg privatisation of public-sector organisations).
We do this as Consultant/Project Manager sometimes setting-up an in-house Project Management Office (PMO) and Change Team. We also Mentor for programmes like the UK IoD  BeTheBusiness.

#people #process #performance #projects #programmes #pmo #change #processimprovement #projectmanagement #changemanagement #workshops #mediation #coach #icfcoach #mentor #facilitation #training #jersey #channelislands



Solution Circle:
The Solution Circle is a coaching model that is based on the idea of circular questioning. It is designed to help individuals explore their options and generate creative solutions to problems. The model involves six stages:
Define the issue: Identifying the specific issue to be addressed
Explore current reality: Examining the current reality and any obstacles or challenges
Explore desired reality: Identifying the ideal outcome or solution
Explore options: Generating a range of potential options and solutions
Create an action plan: Identifying specific actions to achieve the desired outcome
Review progress: Reviewing progress and adjusting the plan as necessary

Thinking Feeling Being

We support people and organisations achieve their goals through facilitation, workshops, mentoring, mediation and sharing change resources
#careercoaching #changeresources #coach #coaching #communicationcoaching #facilitation #feeling #icfcoach #leadershipcoaching #mediation #mentor #mentoring #philosophy #psychology #purpose #thinking #timemanagement #worklifebalance #workshops

Coaching for Networking



Coaching for Networking
Networking coaching is popular among professionals seeking to build and leverage their professional networks. As a networking coach, I have helped individuals to develop networking skills, including building relationships, making introductions, and following up. If you're looking to expand your network and advance your career, let's connect.

Thinking Feeling Being

We support people and organisations achieve their goals through facilitation, workshops, mentoring, mediation and sharing change resources
#careercoaching #changeresources #coach #coaching #communicationcoaching #facilitation #feeling #icfcoach #leadershipcoaching #mediation #mentor #mentoring #philosophy #psychology #purpose #thinking #timemanagement #worklifebalance #workshops

Tuesday 23 May 2023


Co-Active Coaching:
The model includes three core principles:
Fulfillment: Helping the client identify their values and passions and align their actions with them
Balance: Helping the client find balance in their life and work
Process: Helping the client stay present in the moment and take actions that align with their goals and values

Thinking Feeling Being

We support people and organisations achieve their goals through facilitation, workshops, mentoring, mediation and sharing change resources
#careercoaching #changeresources #coach #coaching #communicationcoaching #facilitation #feeling #icfcoach #leadershipcoaching #mediation #mentor #mentoring #philosophy #psychology #purpose #thinking #timemanagement #worklifebalance #workshops

Coaching for Conflict Resolution

Coaching for Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution coaching is popular among professionals seeking to handle interpersonal conflicts effectively. As a conflict resolution coach, I have helped individuals to identify the source of conflict,develop communication skills, and negotiate solutions. If you're looking to improve your conflict resolution skills and build stronger relationships, let's work together.

Thinking Feeling Being

We support people and organisations achieve their goals through facilitation, workshops, mentoring, mediation and sharing change resources
#careercoaching #changeresources #coach #coaching #communicationcoaching #facilitation #feeling #icfcoach #leadershipcoaching #mediation #mentor #mentoring #philosophy #psychology #purpose #thinking #timemanagement #worklifebalance #workshops

TIM'S PRODUCTIVITY TIPS > Follow up after meetings


Follow up after meetings
After a meeting, having a clear list of actions which are assigned to specific people with set deadlines is essential to ensuring things move forward. It’s worth having someone responsible for keeping track of and chasing these tasks, to ensure they get done before the next meeting.

Tim HJ Rogers
ICF Coach, Mentor, Mediation Practitioner
MBA Management Consultant + Change Practitioner
Projects, Programmes and PMO, PRINCE2 Agile-Scrum, Lean, Six-Sigma

Follow adapt-consulting-company on LinkedIn

We support businesses with people, process and technology change. Either small (eg SME start-ups) or large (eg privatisation of public-sector organisations).
We do this as Consultant/Project Manager sometimes setting-up an in-house Project Management Office (PMO) and Change Team. We also Mentor for programmes like the UK IoD  BeTheBusiness.

#people #process #performance #projects #programmes #pmo #change #processimprovement #projectmanagement #changemanagement #workshops #mediation #coach #icfcoach #mentor #facilitation #training #jersey #channelislands

Sunday 21 May 2023

The Value of Agreeing a Policy Position Paper

The Value of Agreeing a Policy Position Paper

The Value of Agreeing a Policy Position Paper 

As a project management expert, I have witnessed the importance of establishing a clear policy position before developing strategies. When it comes to tackling complex issues, it is crucial to agree on a policy position paper for each theme or area you want to tackle. This document serves as a foundation for aligning stakeholders, guiding decision-making, and ensuring a consistent and coherent approach.

Purpose of a Policy Position Paper

A policy position paper outlines the stance, principles, and objectives that an organization or project team wishes to adopt regarding a specific theme or issue. Its primary purpose is to provide clarity and direction for all stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. By articulating a well-defined policy position, organizations can enhance transparency, establish a common understanding, and mitigate potential conflicts.

Format and Content

A policy position paper typically consists of the following key elements:

  • Introduction: Provides an overview of the theme and its significance.
  • Policy Statement: Clearly defines the organization's stance and desired outcomes.
  • Rationale: Presents the reasoning behind the chosen policy position.
  • Supporting Evidence: Includes relevant data, research, or expert opinions that back the policy position.
  • Implementation Guidelines: Outlines practical steps and strategies for implementing the policy.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Specifies how the effectiveness of the policy will be assessed and measured.

The format may vary depending on the organization's requirements, but the content should be comprehensive, concise, and accessible to all stakeholders.

Advantages of Agreeing a Policy Position Paper

Agreeing on a policy position paper before progressing to strategy offers several benefits:

  • Alignment: It ensures that all stakeholders are on the same page regarding the organization's approach to a specific theme.
  • Clarity: It provides a clear and unambiguous statement of the desired outcomes and objectives.
  • Consistency: It promotes consistency in decision-making, ensuring that actions and strategies align with the defined policy position.
  • Efficiency: It saves time and resources by avoiding conflicts and debates that may arise due to differing interpretations or expectations.
  • Accountability: It creates a framework for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the policy, holding stakeholders accountable for its implementation.


Agreeing on a policy position paper for each theme is a crucial step in effective project management and decision-making. It provides a solid foundation for aligning stakeholders, guiding strategies, and ensuring a consistent and coherent approach. By clearly defining the organization's stance and desired outcomes, a policy position paper enhances transparency, minimizes conflicts, and promotes efficient and accountable decision-making.

#people #process #performance #projects #programmes #pmo #change #processimprovement #projectmanagement #changemanagement #workshops #mediation #coach #icfcoach #mentor #facilitation #training #jersey #channelislands

Tim HJ Rogers

Selecting Athletes for a Rowing Competition

Selecting Athletes for a Rowing Competition

Factors in selecting Athletes

As a project management expert, I understand the importance of selecting the right team for any project or competition. When it comes to a rowing competition, the selection process becomes crucial to ensure optimal performance, adherence to standards, and the ability to work effectively as a team.

Performance: The Key Metric

In rowing, performance is the ultimate goal. Athletes must possess the physical strength, endurance, and technique necessary to excel in the sport. During the selection process, it is essential to evaluate an athlete's past performance, including their race results, times, and achievements. This data provides valuable insights into an individual's capabilities and helps in identifying those who have consistently performed at a high level.

Setting Standards for Selection

Establishing clear standards is essential to ensure fairness and objectivity during the athlete selection process. These standards can include measurable criteria such as ergometer scores, timed trials, and technical assessments. By defining these standards upfront, the selection committee can evaluate each athlete based on their individual merit, eliminating bias and favoritism.

The Power of Teamwork

Rowing is a sport that heavily relies on teamwork. The ability to synchronize strokes, maintain rhythm, and communicate effectively are crucial for success on the water. When selecting athletes for a rowing competition, it is essential to assess their ability to work cohesively as a team. Look for individuals who demonstrate strong interpersonal skills, cooperation, and the willingness to put the team's goals above their own.


Selecting athletes for a rowing competition is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration. Performance, adherence to standards, and teamwork are vital components in this selection process. By evaluating athletes based on their past performance, setting clear standards, and assessing their ability to work as part of a team, you can assemble a competitive and cohesive rowing team.

Relevant Hashtags:

#RowingCompetition #AthleteSelection #PerformanceMatters #TeamworkWins

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Mastering the Art of Email Communication: The Sender, The Recipient, and Beyond

In the digital age, emails have become a critical tool for communication, especially in the professional sphere. But as the volume of emails increases, so too does the potential for miscommunication. Misunderstood emails can lead to confusion, conflict, and inefficiency. So, who bears the responsibility for clear communication, and how can we balance our duties and obligations effectively? Let's dive in.

Is Meaning and Feeling in the Sender or the Recipient?

In communication, both the sender and the recipient play a crucial role in the transmission and interpretation of the message. The sender's responsibility is to articulate their thoughts and feelings clearly and precisely. Meanwhile, the recipient's role is to interpret the message as intended, taking into account the sender's context and perspective.

However, emails lack the visual cues and tone of voice that provide context in face-to-face communication. As a result, the recipient might interpret the message differently from the sender's intent. This is why it's essential for the sender to be clear, concise, and considerate in their communication to minimize the risk of misunderstanding.

The Difference Between Reaction and Response

Reacting and responding may seem synonymous, but there's a subtle, critical difference between them, especially in the context of email communication.

A reaction is often immediate, driven by our emotions, and lacks thoughtful consideration. In contrast, a response involves a thoughtful evaluation of the situation and a deliberate decision on the best course of action. When dealing with emails, it's always better to respond rather than react. Take a moment to process the information, consider the potential consequences, and then craft your reply.

Navigating Duties to People, Tasks, and Compliance with Process

Balancing our obligations to people, tasks, and processes can be challenging. Here are a few tips:

Prioritize: Understand what's urgent, important, and the value each task holds.

Communicate: Keep lines of communication open. If you're overwhelmed with tasks, inform your colleagues or superiors and ask for assistance or extensions.

Follow Processes: Adhere to established procedures to maintain order and efficiency.

Best Practices for Email Communication

Be Clear and Concise: Keep your emails short and to the point to ensure the recipient understands your message.

Use a Professional Tone: Maintain a professional tone to convey respect and courtesy.

Proofread: Before hitting send, make sure to proofread your email for errors and to ensure the message is clear.

Respond, Don't React: Always take a moment to process the email and then craft a thoughtful response.

Empathize: Understand that the recipient may interpret the message differently. Be patient and ready to clarify if needed.

Follow Up: If you haven't received a response in a reasonable time, don't hesitate to follow up.

In conclusion, good email communication is a shared responsibility between the sender and the recipient. It requires clear articulation, careful interpretation, thoughtful responses, and a balance of obligations. By applying these principles, we can make email communication a powerful tool for efficiency and productivity.

Tuesday 16 May 2023


I am doing some work with government and have been thinking about the boundaries between Policy and Strategy, Strategy and Delivery. The notes below are a generalised rather than specific observations, but nonetheless interesting because I am also a participant in the Jersey Policy Forum and the Jersey Policy Centre, and with that context is it interesting to think about what we expect from Policy and Strategy, Plans and Projects – the advice versus action, the discussion versus the doing.


Nobody likes a strategy that is simply a list of ambitions with no actions, bold promises never turned into plans, let alone delivered. Yet we do expect to separate strategy from implementation and see a policy document and a change programme as two distinct things, all too often disjointed.


People also instinctively are ready to offer advice and make to-do lists without really being clear on measures, output and outcomes. Sometimes there is a lot of action without clarity of purpose or mechanism to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the action in pursuit of an agreed objective. Doing “good stuff” is not strategic so I recall we must do the right things (strategy) and we must do those things right (implementation)


Policy – What's our position on these strategic / industry issues?

A policy position paper is a document that presents an issue, articulates a stance or position, and proposes actions or solutions with respect to that issue. The policy position paper you described would typically be organized as follows:

1. Introduction: This would include a brief overview of the topic, why it's important, and an introduction to the primary challenges it presents.

2. Main Challenges: This section would detail the key challenges or problems associated with the issue. It would discuss who or what is affected by these challenges, how they are affected, and why these challenges exist.

3. Government's View and Priority: Here, the paper would present the government's perspective on the issue, including how it perceives the challenges and why it considers them important. This section would also articulate the government's priorities in addressing the issue, including which aspects it considers most critical to address first or most strongly.

4. Government's Intended Actions: This section would outline the specific actions the government intends to take to address the challenges. This could include proposed legislation, regulatory changes, funding programs, or other actions. Each proposed action would be discussed in terms of how it would address the challenges and achieve the government's priorities.

5. How the Government Will Implement its Actions: This section would discuss the specifics of how the government plans to implement its proposed actions. This could include timelines, responsible agencies or departments, necessary collaborations or partnerships, and resources required.

6. Conclusion: The paper would wrap up with a summary of the main points and a reaffirmation of the government's commitment to addressing the challenges.

A policy position paper of this type serves to inform the public, other branches of government, and stakeholders about the government's views, priorities, and plans regarding a particular issue. It also provides a platform for discussion and feedback, helps to coordinate actions across different parts of the government, and serves as a record of the government's commitments. 

I think one of the challenges for government is coherent policy rather than ministerial silos. In complex adaptive systems where policy, strategy, and implementation (sometimes legislation) have often unintended consequences it can be very difficult to have coherent policy.


Strategy – What needs doing, measuring & managing?

A strategy is a high-level plan designed to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty. It serves as a roadmap for an organization, outlining how it will achieve its objectives.

1. Executive Summary: A concise overview of the strategy, providing a snapshot of the main objectives, methods, and expected outcomes in addressing bed-nights.

2. Introduction:: This section provides background on the topic area and its importance to the economy.

3. Current Situation Analysis: A comprehensive review of the current state of the bed-nights industry, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) as they relate to government objectives.

4. Vision and Strategic Objectives: This portion outlines the government's vision for [add text] and the key objectives to be achieved, such as improving quality standards, increasing industry income, or promoting sustainable practices.

5. Strategic Initiatives: A detailed description of the initiatives that will be undertaken to achieve the strategic objectives, such as regulatory changes, funding programs, or promotional campaigns.

6. Implementation Plan: This section presents a roadmap for implementing the strategy, including timelines, responsibilities, required resources, and key performance indicators.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation: A discussion of how the strategy's effectiveness will be monitored and evaluated, including the metrics to be used and the schedule for regular reviews and adjustments.

8. Stakeholder Engagement: An outline of how the government plans to engage with stakeholders, including industry players, local communities, and other relevant parties, to successfully implement the strategy.

9. Risk Management: An analysis of potential risks or challenges to the strategy and how they will be managed or mitigated.

10. Conclusion and Next Steps: A final summary of the strategy, reiterating its importance to the bed-nights industry, and outlining the immediate next steps for its implementation. 

I think one of the challenges for government is strategy tends to be a list of noble aims or possibly targets without clarity on how they might be delivered.  It is not always obvious how all these elements work together, and indeed if they work at all. Some of the Scorecards have not been updated since 2019 - what does that tell us about delivery?

Jersey Performance Framework

Jersey's natural resources are managed and used responsibly (Scorecard)

Departmental Operational Business Plans 2020

Government departments' Performance Measures 2022

Delivery Plans 2023


How will we deliver the strategy (objectives into tasks for delivery)

Before we can move into implementation we may need some form of feasibility or project initiation, perhaps an Expert Task Force with a Terms of Reference to review, report and make recommendations for implementation. 

1. Background and Purpose: The Task Force is established to review the current state of [add text here] The Task Force will focus on aspects such as [add text here].

2. Scope of Work: The Task Force will conduct a comprehensive review of [add text here]. The Task Force will assess the current state, identify challenges, opportunities and make recommendations for enhancements.

3. Membership: The Task Force will be composed of representatives from industry, subject matter experts, representatives from related sectors such as [add text here] and relevant government officials.

4. Roles and Responsibilities: Members will contribute their expertise to review the industry, provide insights, and develop practical and actionable recommendations. The Task Force will elect a Chair to oversee meetings and a Secretary to manage documentation and communication.

5. Methodology: The Task Force will conduct its review through a combination of data analysis, consultations with stakeholders, review of relevant literature and case studies, and benchmarking with best practices globally.

6. Reporting: The Task Force will prepare a comprehensive report presenting its findings and recommendations. The report will include an executive summary, detailed findings, and specific, actionable recommendations, along with a proposed implementation plan.

7. Timeline: The Task Force will commence its review on [Start Date] and submit its final report by [End Date].

8. Meetings: The Task Force will meet bi-weekly (or as decided) to review progress, discuss findings, and formulate recommendations.

9. Resources: The Task Force will have access to necessary resources including data, industry reports, administrative support, and funding for research activities.

10. Evaluation: The effectiveness and impact of the Task Force’s recommendations will be evaluated one year after the implementation of the recommendations.

11. Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest: Members of the Task Force must maintain confidentiality of the discussions and findings until the report is officially published. Any potential conflicts of interest must be declared and managed appropriately.

At this stage I am becoming wary that there is lots of debate and a number of documents but not yet any delivery. I console myself that great buildings need architectural drawings, mechanical and engineering plans and similar to be able to ensure delivery to specification, on-time, on-budget with low-risk and clear communication and consensus. But still I am wary. 

The volume and nature of government advisors can be informative, and who they pick and what they do can be telling as regards policy, strategy, implementation. Their expertise and whether they are used to set course, defend position or evaluate and validate would inform my answer.
We may see soon, hopefully aided by objective goals, targets, measures, and updates.


Only now do we get to the familiar SMART Goals or Project Delivery to be allocated to individuals or organisations as part of the role, contract or service agreement. Only now do we see actions with outcomes that have an impact on the delivery dashboard of agreed measures and accountability.

It is what project managers would call a waterfall (sequential) rather than agile approach, and I am really thinking hard about how we can make the Policy and Strategy, Plans and Projects much faster, iterative and agile. The problem is strategy without action is pointless, action without strategy is ineffective and inefficient (and potentially counterproductive)

Targets and data help focus people, process, budgets, and partnerships are needed so that goals are collaborative rather than competing

So whilst there is a need for short-term "put the fire out" actions and bottom-up feedback for immediate action it is nonetheless necessary to be clear on strategy and orchestrate resources when it comes to long-term strategy and change, and this takes time and consideration.

Friday 12 May 2023

Navigating the Maze: The Intricacies of Task Estimation and Project Planning

Task estimation and project planning in the professional world often resemble navigating a labyrinth - filled with twists, turns, and unforeseen roadblocks. The challenge lies not only in the complexity of individual tasks but also in the intricacies of compounded factors that influence the overall project timeline.

The Compound Effect of Complicated and Complex Factors

Project planning is much more than simply stacking up tasks and deadlines. It's a delicate dance of multiple elements, where each task is a piece of a much larger puzzle. Here, two distinct but interconnected elements come into play: complicated and complex factors.

Complicated factors are those that can be deconstructed into smaller parts, and each part can be understood and tackled individually. For example, developing a new software feature might involve various subtasks such as design, coding, testing, and deployment.

Complex factors, on the other hand, involve elements that interact in unpredictable ways, creating emergent properties that aren't evident when looking at individual parts. Team dynamics, stakeholder expectations, and market trends are examples of complex factors that can drastically impact a project's trajectory.

The compound effect of these elements can result in overruns, underestimations, and scope creep, leading to missed deadlines, exceeded budgets, and reduced quality. Unfortunately, these are common problems in project management that have plagued the industry for decades.

The Role of AI in Task Scheduling and Project Management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently emerged as a game-changer in many fields, and project management is no exception. AI, with its ability to process vast amounts of data and identify patterns that humans might miss, can help mitigate the issues of task estimation and project planning.

One of the most promising applications of AI in this field is the use of Monte Carlo Simulations for task scheduling. Traditionally used in fields such as finance and engineering, Monte Carlo Simulations use random sampling to estimate the probability of different outcomes in a process that cannot easily be predicted due to the intervention of random variables.

In project management, a Monte Carlo Simulation can input various task estimates (optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely) and run hundreds or thousands of simulations to predict a range of possible outcomes. This probabilistic approach can provide a more nuanced understanding of project timelines and the likelihood of meeting specific deadlines.

For example, instead of claiming that a project will be done in 30 days, a Monte Carlo Simulation might reveal that there's a 70% chance the project will be completed within 30 days, a 20% chance it will take up to 40 days, and a 10% chance it could take even longer. This output gives managers a more realistic view of project timelines and helps set more accurate stakeholder expectations.

Additionally, AI tools can assist in recognizing patterns in past project data, predicting potential risks, and suggesting mitigations, providing a level of foresight that was previously unattainable.

The Future of Task Estimation and Project Planning

While the journey through the labyrinth of project planning remains challenging, the emerging technologies hold promise for a more navigable path. By embracing AI tools and methodologies like Monte Carlo Simulations, project managers can gain a more comprehensive and realistic understanding of their projects.

In the end, the integration of AI into project management does not replace human judgment but rather augments it, providing the tools to make more informed decisions. As we continue to innovate and embrace these advancements, we can look forward to a future where the maze of project planning is not as daunting as it once was.

Leveraging Shakespeare's Wisdom and The Hero's Journey for Effective Communication & Engagement

As I was leafing through the pages of one of William Shakespeare's most celebrated plays, 'As You Like It,' I was once again struck by the profound wisdom encapsulated in a single line: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."


This line resonates not only in the realms of literature and philosophy, but it also holds a wealth of understanding about roles, goals, purpose, and plots within our personal and professional lives. It subtly hints at the concept of 'life as a narrative,' a perspective that can significantly enhance our communication and engagement efforts.

In the grand theater of life, each one of us is playing a unique role, driven by our distinct goals and purpose, and navigating our individual plot lines. Just as the Bard of Avon indicated centuries ago, these elements come together to shape our story. The understanding of this narrative can lead us to more effective communication and increased engagement, especially when paired with the timeless concept of 'The Hero's Journey.'

Coined by mythologist Joseph Campbell, 'The Hero's Journey' is a narrative pattern that weaves itself through countless stories across cultures and time. It involves a hero who sets off on an adventure, faces and overcomes a crisis, and then returns home transformed. This story pattern is powerful, captivating, and relatable, making it an invaluable tool for communication and engagement.

Why does this matter in a professional context, you might ask? Here's how:

1. Understanding Roles: In the 'world-as-a-stage' paradigm, recognizing the roles that each individual plays within an organization becomes crucial. Just like characters in a play, each team member has a unique role that contributes to the overall story (the company's mission). Acknowledging this helps foster a sense of belonging and purpose.

2. Setting Goals: Goals act as the plot points in our professional narratives. Just as the hero in a story has a clear objective, professionals need well-defined goals to guide their actions and measure progress.

3. Clarifying Purpose: The hero's journey isn't merely about achieving a goal; it's about transformation. Similarly, in our professional lives, understanding our 'why' - our purpose - can drive personal growth and job satisfaction.

4. Engaging through Story: The power of the hero's journey comes from its ability to engage audiences emotionally. This same principle applies to leadership and team engagement. Whether it's pitching a new idea, motivating your team, or communicating your company's vision, framing it within a story can captivate your audience and inspire action.

By viewing our professional lives through the lenses of Shakespeare's wisdom and the 'Hero's Journey,' we can gain valuable insights that enhance our communication efforts. We become more effective in conveying our messages and engaging with others, fostering a work environment that is not only productive but also fulfilling.

Building on our understanding of roles, goals, and purpose, it's essential to mention the invaluable contributions of Halina Brunning in her work "Executive Coaching: Systems-Psychodynamic Perspective". Brunning masterfully blends the principles of systems theory and psychodynamics to offer unique insights into executive coaching.

She emphasizes the importance of understanding the unconscious processes and systemic dynamics in the workplace. This perspective encourages us to look beyond the visible 'stage' of professional life and explore the 'backstage' - the underlying emotions, power dynamics, and unspoken narratives that influence our actions.

Incorporating Brunning's systems-psychodynamic perspective into our communication strategies can help us better understand our roles within the broader system, align our professional goals with our inner motivations, and ultimately enhance our engagement with our work and our colleagues. This approach provides depth to the 'Hero's Journey' within the professional context, shedding light on the internal transformations that accompany our external achievements.

Remember, we are all actors on the stage of the world, and every interaction is a part of our narrative. So, let's make our stories count, for as Shakespeare wrote, "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." But with purpose, goals, and effective communication, we can make our tale signify something truly remarkable.

With the advent of AI it is time to rethink how we do projects and change management


As someone who has managed projects and change for over 30 years there are some things I value and some the client does and a lot that doesn't really add value despite promises.

For a projects and change rescue (my ususal engagement when it comes to mediation) the key artefacts are..

The PID - what were the roles, goals, controls, plan, deliverables and budget

The Contract - what did we contract for (compared to what we need or received)

The lasted update report - What does this say about what's decided, delivered, delayed, dysfunctional or disputed

The Gantt Chart and Risk Log are generally up-to-date at the beginning and maintained occasionally but seldom represent the truth. They generally used as assurance that we have a plan, are making progress and managing risk. However, the reality is that the documentation seldom conveys the situation any more than a map truly explains the effort of climbing a mountain or the weather on the moor as we wade through on our way to the top.


The reality is that projects are the stage on which people act out their hopes, dreams and dramas and are often where organisational proxy wars are fought for people and resources, hearts and minds. Many projects are the canvas on which personal or corporate ambition are painted and so it is important to recognise this despite the absence of psychology and culture in the PRINCE2 or Agile-Scrum toolkit and training. This is one of the reasons I trained as an ICF Coach and Mediation Practitioner.

My experience is that priority, focus and resources are the key determinants and momentum the greatest predictor for success. A team 100% focusses on process and goals, delivery and deadlines will always outperform a team distracted by 99 other projects, business-as-usual and the every-day admin of organisational life. I know this as a 4 x GB Gold Medal winning athlete and coach, but also as someone who had had the experience of being a shepherd with insufficient sheep and no sheep-dog. More leadership is not the answer any more than 5 extra coaches will actually improve peak performance at the Commonwealth Games Triathlon or Coastal Rowing Championships.

It is about people and process, performance and productivity. The right and sufficient people doing the right things, with the necessary resources (and removal of distractions) to perform and produce the results.


The update reports for Teams, Project or Programme Board are often sanitised, fact based and summarised without the subjective elements that are oil to the machine. Moreover the complexity of updating all the project artefacts means they languish, in part because the Teams, Project or Programme Board do not have the time or capacity to comprehend these maps without meaning.

The key to the necessary understanding and decision making is engagement of the stakeholders and translation of maps into meaning, plans into plots, scheduling into story. This is where stakeholder management, communication and change-management come in. People inherently understand role, plot and story and this is what is necessary but lacking from facts and figures.

Traditionally it has been difficult for each project participant to convey their issues and needs and for these to be translated and communicated to the stakeholders responsible or accountable for delivery. It's simply too complex and what happens is that the experienced projects and change manager summarises and makes judgements just as a doctor might when diagnosing a patient and prescribing actions. The difference between a doctor and a project manager is the former is dealing one-to-one with the health of a person and the latter many-to-one with the health of a project (with consequences for the organisation as a whole.)


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, particularly in the areas of diagnosis and prognosis.

1. Speeding Up Diagnosis: AI can quickly analyze complex medical data, such as images from MRIs or X-rays, to identify patterns that humans might miss. It can also process large amounts of data from electronic health records to identify trends or risk factors that could suggest a diagnosis.

2. Improving Accuracy: AI algorithms can be trained on vast amounts of data and can become more accurate than humans in some tasks. For instance, in analyzing medical images, AI can help to reduce errors and improve the accuracy of diagnoses.

3. Predicting Outcomes: AI can analyze patient data to predict future health outcomes. This can help doctors to identify patients at risk of disease or to predict how a disease will progress, allowing for early intervention or tailored treatment plans.

4. Personalizing Treatment: AI can help to analyze a patient's individual characteristics, such as their genetic makeup or lifestyle factors, to suggest the most effective treatments or preventative measures.

Case Studies:

Google's DeepMind Health: Google's AI, DeepMind, was trained to detect over 50 eye diseases as accurately as a doctor by analyzing 3D scans of the eye. In a study published in Nature Medicine, DeepMind's AI system matched world-leading doctors in accurately diagnosing a range of eye conditions.

IBM Watson Health: IBM's Watson for Oncology is an AI system that assists doctors in diagnosing and treating cancer. It analyzes a patient's medical information against a vast array of data and expertise to provide evidence-based treatment options. Watson for Oncology has been used in various hospitals worldwide, assisting in treating numerous cancer patients.

Zebra Medical Vision: Zebra's AI algorithms can read medical imaging to detect a range of diseases. In one study, its algorithm was shown to be capable of detecting breast cancer and cardiovascular disease as accurately as a human radiologist.

While these advancements are promising, it's important to note that AI is intended to assist doctors, not replace them. The human touch, intuition, and experience are still vital in healthcare. However, AI can help to reduce doctors' workloads, speed up and improve the accuracy of diagnosis, and ultimately lead to better patient outcomes. I posit that the same is true for projects and change management.


My daughter is a speech and language therapist and from one meeting she may be required to produce several documents, for example one for the clinical supervisor or consultant, one for her own file and child's records, and one for the family. Each appropriate to the purpose and audience. This is good governance and stakeholder management. We have experimented (with mixed results) the ability for AI to generate all the documentation from one base set of observations.

I believe it will be possible to use AI for projects, both for diagnosis and prognosis, and also for good governance and stakeholder management.

Critically AI rather than update stale Gantt Chart and Risk Log can completely, dynamically and instantly re-write Gantt Chart and Risk Log based on natural language input from people: "I was busy doing XYZ this week, but aim to do this between 3 and 5pm on Tuesday, subject to the availability of Jon, Helen and Charlie". However I'd suggest as useful as this may be it is like towing a horse-drawn-cart with a Tesla. It would instead be better to provide customised information like Cambridge Analytica could target precise messages to specific people to prompt their engagement in decisions and delivery.


These are draft thoughts following a weekend away trail riding in Wales with a good friend, project manager and AI follower. We are thinking about building this and this article is aimed at assessing interest and inviting feedback.

Tim HJ Rogers
MBA Management Consultant + Change Practitioner
PRINCE2 Agile-Scrum Projects, Programmes and PMO
ICF Trained Coach, IoD Business Mentor, Mediator

#AI #ProjectManagement #ChangeManagement #StakeholderManagement #GanttCharts #RiskLogs #PID #ProcessImprovement #ProjectRescue #Leadership #Performance #Productivity #PRINCE2 #AgileScrum #PMO #ICF #Coaching #Mediation #OrganizationalAmbition #Priority #Focus #Momentum #Success #Teamwork #Communication

Thursday 11 May 2023



Sending briefing notes or slides ahead of a meeting has several benefits that can make the meeting more productive and efficient. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Preparation: It allows participants to prepare for the meeting in advance. They can familiarize themselves with the topic, think about questions or comments they might have, and be ready to engage in discussion.

2. Efficiency: It helps make the meeting more efficient. If participants have the information beforehand, you can spend less time on presenting information and more time on discussion, problem-solving, or decision-making.

3. Inclusion: It ensures that all participants, including those who may be introverted or need more time to process information, have an opportunity to contribute. They can formulate their thoughts and ideas in advance rather than being put on the spot.

4. Accessibility: It can be helpful for participants who may have difficulties keeping up with information presented orally during a meeting, such as those with hearing difficulties or whose first language is not the language of the meeting.

5. Focus: It can help participants to focus on the key points of the meeting. If they know the agenda and the main topics in advance, they can focus their attention on these areas.

6. Record: Providing written material in advance also creates a record of the information to be discussed, which can be useful for future reference or for those unable to attend the meeting.

7. Engagement: Having access to the material beforehand can increase participants' engagement during the meeting. They'll have the context and understanding to contribute effectively to the discussions.

Remember, for this approach to be effective, it's important to send out the briefing notes or slides with sufficient time for participants to review them before the meeting.

Virtual and Extended RealityThe Future of Tourism in the Metaverse

How XR and VR technologies are transforming tourism, offering unique "try before you buy" experiences, virtual postcards, and augmented attractions.


The advent of the metaverse has brought exciting possibilities for the tourism sector. Through the use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Extended Reality (XR), we are witnessing a transformative era where tourists can "try before they buy" holidays, send VR postcards, and enjoy augmented tourist attractions with a wealth of information and enhanced experiences. Let's explore these emerging trends and how they are redefining the way we perceive and experience travel.

"Try Before You Buy" Holidays:

Virtual platforms have made it possible to explore global landmarks from the comfort of your home. Take ZEPETO World, for example, an application that allows users to create personal avatars and explore Korea virtually. Similarly, the BCB Group has created a metaverse city representing some of the world's most visited destinations. This innovation allows potential travelers to virtually visit places before deciding to invest in an actual trip, providing a cost-effective and immersive way to plan holidays.

Virtual Reality Postcards:

In today's digital age, sending postcards has taken an innovative twist with VR. Imagine sharing immersive 360-degree snapshots of your holiday experiences, enabling your loved ones to virtually step into your shoes and explore your holiday destination as if they were there with you. It's a novel way to share memories, making them more vivid and engaging than traditional photos or videos.

Augmenting Tourist Attractions:

XR can add another layer of depth to physical attractions by providing additional information and immersive experiences. An excellent example of this is the augmented exhibition on the history of Notre-Dame de Paris by French start-up Histovery. Visitors use a “HistoPad” touch screen for an immersive tour that interacts with physical elements like giant photographs, 3-D models of statues, and audio reproductions of the cathedral's organs and bells. Such applications of XR offer an enriching, engaging, and educational experience to visitors.

Virtual Training and Onboarding:

The use of VR isn't limited to tourists alone. Businesses can also leverage it for training and onboarding staff. MGM Resorts International, in partnership with Strivr, developed VR headsets to give prospective staff a realistic sense of what working in MGM casinos and hotels entails. This initiative not only speeds up onboarding and upskilling but also increases employee confidence and familiarity with the company's procedures and culture.

The Future of Tourism:

As we move forward, the boundary between physical and digital spaces will continue to blur, bringing about even more innovative use cases of VR and XR in the tourism industry. Saudi Arabia's Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) has recently announced the entry of the ancient city of Hegra into the metaverse, making it the first UNESCO World Heritage Site to be digitally available for exploration.


The use of VR and XR in tourism signifies a paradigm shift in the way we experience travel. From exploring destinations before booking, sharing immersive memories, to enriching physical attractions, these technologies are revolutionizing the tourism sector. The metaverse is opening up a world of limitless possibilities, making tourism more accessible, interactive, and engaging than ever before.

Read more

Jersey’s Aim To be a globally relevant, sustainable and inimitable destination for hospitality that islanders are proud to share

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Wednesday 10 May 2023





Be positive
There is a direct link between self-control and positivity. Think about it: are you more likely to cave in and eat an entire pack of cookies while wallowing in your feelings and procrastinating when you’re feeling positive about life, or when you’re sad and needing comfort? The more positive your mood, the easier it is to exercise self-control and focus on the tasks you need to complete. Do what you need to do to stay positive.

Tim HJ Rogers
ICF Coach, Mentor, Mediation Practitioner
MBA Management Consultant + Change Practitioner
Projects, Programmes and PMO, PRINCE2 Agile-Scrum, Lean, Six-Sigma

Follow adapt-consulting-company on LinkedIn

We support businesses with people, process and technology change. Either small (eg SME start-ups) or large (eg privatisation of public-sector organisations).
We do this as Consultant/Project Manager sometimes setting-up an in-house Project Management Office (PMO) and Change Team. We also Mentor for programmes like the UK IoD  BeTheBusiness.

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Friday 5 May 2023

The Power of Campaign Management Overcoming Cynicism and Complaints through Effective Communication

Discover the crucial differences between communications and campaign management, and learn how campaign management can enhance your organization's success.


In today's fast-paced and highly connected world, effective communication has never been more critical for businesses and organizations. At the same time, cynicism and complaints are rampant. To address these challenges, we must look beyond traditional communication methods and explore the benefits of campaign management.

In this article, we will delve into the key differences between communications and campaign management and discuss the key features, actions, and advantages of campaign management to overcome cynicism and complaints.


1. Communications: This typically refers to sharing information about events, issues, decisions, and milestones within an organization. The primary goal of communications is to inform and update stakeholders, such as employees, partners, and customers, about important developments and initiatives.

2. Campaign Management: This goes beyond simply relaying information. Campaign management is about winning hearts and minds, promoting collaboration, fostering coordination, building confidence, and ensuring commitment. It is a strategic approach to communication that aims to inspire action and change by engaging stakeholders in a cohesive and focused effort.


1. Strategic Planning: A well-crafted campaign begins with a solid plan. This involves defining clear objectives, identifying target audiences, and establishing an overarching message or theme to guide all communications.

2. Collaboration and Coordination: Campaign management fosters a team-oriented approach, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned and working towards the same goals. This creates a sense of unity and shared purpose.

3. Storytelling and Emotional Appeal: Campaign management uses compelling narratives to connect with the audience on an emotional level. This helps to build trust, humanize the organization, and foster stronger relationships.

4. Multi-Channel Approach: To maximize reach and impact, campaign management utilizes various channels, such as social media, email, events, and traditional media, to deliver consistent and engaging messages.

5. Measurement and Analysis: Campaign management tracks and analyzes results to determine the effectiveness of the campaign and make necessary adjustments. This ensures that the campaign remains on track and delivers desired outcomes.


1. Demonstrate Transparency: Addressing cynicism and complaints requires a commitment to openness and honesty. By providing accurate information and addressing concerns head-on, you can build credibility and trust.

2. Engage with Empathy: Show that you understand and care about the feelings and perspectives of your audience. Listening and responding to their concerns will foster a more positive and productive dialogue.

3. Foster a Positive Culture: Encourage a culture that values collaboration, teamwork, and innovation. This will help to create an environment where cynicism and complaints are less likely to thrive.

4. Celebrate Success: Recognize and celebrate achievements, both big and small, to boost morale and encourage a sense of pride in the organization.


1. Enhanced Engagement: By connecting with stakeholders on an emotional level, campaign management helps to create a sense of ownership and investment in the organization's success.

2. Improved Reputation: A well-executed campaign can help to shape public perception and establish your organization as a thought leader in your industry.

3. Increased Loyalty: Campaign management fosters stronger relationships with stakeholders, leading to increased loyalty and long-term commitment.

4. Greater Impact: By leveraging a strategic, multi-channel approach, campaign management ensures that your message reaches the right people at the right time, maximizing its potential impact.


In a world filled with cynicism and complaints, effective communication is essential. By understanding and embracing the principles of campaign management, organizations can inspire change