Saturday 23 September 2023

Reflections on Leadership Jersey- Leadership and Culture Event

First a big congratulations to all involved. A great event that it intended to be thought provoking. So here are some thoughts I don't expect agreement (that is the antithesis of diversity)

I liked the Seth Godin quote: *People like us do things like this*

But I am not sure it is true. Would all employees of RBSI say that about themselves and Fred Goodwin. Would all the Police say that about themselves and Metropolitan Police officer Wayne Couzens? Would all Nurses say that about themselves Lucy Letby, a British nurse convicted of murdering seven babies.

I think culture (cults) are more tribal and divisive. I think a more honest quote is *People like them do things like that*

You may think it odd to say divisive, but any in-group, any inclusion is defined by what it  (should?) exclude(s). You may exclude Jimmy Saville from a Childrens TV Show. Maybe a few people are considering what TV shows and media Russell Brand should be included in or excluded from?

As an advocate for the Power Threat Meaning Response Framework I am always cautious of the motives of leadership and the status we confer upon it. I am not the leader of my son or daughter. I am not the leader of my partner or parents. I am not the leader of my club or community. I am human. I am a brother, father, son, helper. I far prefer to work at a human level and reject the idea that I need to be a leader to add value to something or help someone.

I really liked Perrin's heat-map of correlation, prognosis, and diagnosis but ultimately felt I don't need that tool to manage my relationships at home or at play, so why is this so essential at work? Why is a tool that can classify and prescribe interventions and impact so appealing?

I found this model interesting: *I will change my mindset and believe .....*

How inclusive and diverse are our organisations if we expect people to change their mindset (perhaps beliefs, values, principles) to conform, comply, and fit-in to our company, community or culture. This point was emphasised by comments about skin colour and difference between diversity (a seat at the table) and inclusion (a voice that is heard)

We pondered the beautiful image of a murmuration of starlings all in-flight together, and I pondered the audience response to a similar image of lemmings with a similar approach.

I do not think culture is an "input" or an "output" but an outcome. As Simon Nash suggests it is like reputation, it is how you are judged by what you do rather than the slogans you say or the plans you have.

I do believe in Psychological Safety but I am cautious of its application. There is seldom Psychological Safety in high-performance. For example in F1 Motorsport there is no room for poor performance, but there is for feedback and learning. Psychological Safety is not about comfort or loyalty but more about trust,  indeed I'd suggest trust and performance (predictability) creates Psychological Safety rather than the other way around.

A lot was said about Uncertainty, which is why I think trust and performance (predictability) is so important. Being Psychologically Safe but Lost or Uncertain seems at best unhelpful and at worst an oxymoron. Leaderships value is in map-making, sense-making, purpose-creation but it is alchemy and prone to misuse.

My preferred approach is simple collaboration to add value to something or help someone

My goal is to help people find YES to the following questions

    I know what is expected of me at work
    I have the materials and equipment I need to do my job right
    I have the opportunity to do what I do best every-day
    In the last 7 days I have received recognition or praise for doing good work
    Someone at work encourages my development
    I am seek, heard, valued
    At work, my opinions count
We support people and organisations achieve their goals through facilitation, workshops, mentoring, mediation and sharing change resources

#mediation #coach #mentor #philosophy #psychology #purpose #thinking #feeling #icfcoach #coaching #facilitation, #workshops, #mentoring, #mediation #changeresources

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