Friday 6 October 2023

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni (2005)

Patrick Lencioni’s "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" is a leadership fable that uncovers the five core issues or dysfunctions that can hinder a team's performance and success. By recognizing and addressing these dysfunctions, teams can work more cohesively and achieve their objectives.

The foundation of any cohesive team is trust. When team members are unwilling to be vulnerable with one another, meaning they’re hesitant to admit mistakes, weaknesses, or ask for help, trust is lacking. This absence of trust breeds a culture of invincibility, where everyone feels the need to be perfect, preventing genuine bonding and understanding among team members.

Solution: Building trust requires team members to share experiences, admit mistakes, and be transparent. Over time, this creates a safe environment where vulnerability is valued.

When teams lack trust, they tend to avoid conflicts and discussions that may seem contentious but are necessary for growth. Avoiding conflicts can lead to artificial harmony, where issues are swept under the rug and aren't addressed.

Solution: Teams should foster open dialogues and encourage constructive debates. Recognizing that conflicts are a natural part of relationships and, when approached healthily, can lead to better decisions and understanding.

When teams don't commit to decisions, it's often because they haven’t been able to air their opinions openly. Without clarity or buy-in, team members are less likely to stick to decisions.

Solution: Leaders should ensure that everyone's opinions are heard and considered. Even if a particular direction is taken against someone's advice, understanding the rationale behind the decision can foster commitment.

Without commitment, there's often an avoidance of accountability. When teams don't commit to a clear plan of action, it's easy for members to shirk responsibility. This leads to a lack of progress and resentment among team members who are pulling their weight.

Solution: Teams should set clear standards and hold regular progress reviews. This not only keeps everyone accountable but also ensures that the team remains on track towards its goals.

The ultimate dysfunction is when team members put their personal ambitions or the success of their divisions above the collective goals of the team. When individual outcomes are prioritized, the team's results can suffer.

Solution: The team should define its goals clearly and ensure that these goals are more important than individual or departmental objectives. Celebrate collective wins and realign when the team drifts from its primary objectives.

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