Sunday 24 March 2024

Are we evolving beyond human?


Our thinking is shaped by our past, whether it's influenced by nature or nurture, or our life experiences. At a deeper level, our thinking is influenced by our chemistry - what we consume, be it food or drink, and our DNA. These are all vital components that affect how we think, feel, and exist. Without these elements, we wouldn't be the same individuals. It's widely understood that the brain isn't the sole center of our thinking; rather, the nervous system extends throughout our bodies. This nervous system can inform or misinform us, as evidenced by phenomena like phantom limbs, gut reactions, uncomfortable anxiety, and heart-wrenching indecision. These functions highlight aspects of the human condition beyond the brain itself.

So, what happens to us as human beings when we no longer need to physically exercise or mentally stimulate ourselves? What if we no longer need to exert effort in learning new skills or providing for ourselves and our families? What if technology, biopharmaceuticals, and AI take care of these tasks for us?

If all these aspects of being human are replaced by technology, what defines our humanity? If these things become unnecessary or less essential in the future, are we evolving into something else, something beyond human, akin to how we evolved beyond apes? How comfortable are we with the notion of no longer being purely human, and what are the consequences of such a transformation?

Furthermore, if we aren't actively shaping the future but rather outsourcing decision-making to artificial intelligence and others, are we truly evolving or merely relinquishing control? Instead of transcending and expanding humanity, we risk regression, becoming less than what we once were. History provides examples; evidence suggests that Neanderthals were potentially stronger and more ingenious than Homo sapiens but ultimately succumbed to the collaborative power and ingenuity of our species.

In contemplating these questions, we must consider the trajectory of our evolution and the implications of our choices as we navigate an increasingly technologically driven world.

I'm excited about Dr. Eve Poole's talk. Can't wait to hear what she has to say!

Challenging Conventional Thinking on AI and the Human Element

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