Thursday 24 August 2023

Policy, process and procedure


A policy is a set of high-level guidelines or principles that set the direction and establish the framework for decision-making within an organization. Policies are generally broad and not overly detailed, but they clearly define the organization's stance on various issues or topics. They are often tied to the organization’s mission, values, and overall strategy.


A process is a series of steps or activities that need to be performed to achieve a specific outcome. Processes are usually broader and can contain multiple procedures. They define "what" needs to be done and might provide some insight into "how" it should be done. They can often be visualized through flowcharts and may include various decision points, roles, or milestones.


A procedure is more detailed than a process and provides specific "how-to" instructions to perform a particular task or achieve a specific outcome. Procedures are usually step-by-step guides, often in the form of a checklist, that provide the exact sequence of actions that must be taken.



Policy: Engage with stakeholders, like top management and subject matter experts, to ensure alignment with organizational goals and compliance requirements.

Process: Involve people who will be executing the process, along with managers and experts who understand its broader context.

Procedure: Discuss specifics with the people who will be directly involved in performing the tasks.


Policy: Clearly articulate the policy’s purpose, scope, and implications. Define any terms that could be ambiguous.

Process: Outline the major steps, roles, and responsibilities. Identify decision points and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Procedure: Detail every single step, in sequence, necessary to complete the task.


Policy: Keep the language simple and unambiguous. Ensure that the document is easily accessible by all relevant parties.

Process: Use flowcharts or diagrams to help people visualize the process. Include text to explain nuances and details.

Procedure: Use checklists, templates, or step-by-step guides. Include visual aids like screenshots or videos where necessary.


Policy: Disseminate through official channels and ensure acknowledgment from all relevant parties. May require formal training.

Process: Introduce through training sessions, workshops, or demonstration projects. Ensure adequate resources are allocated.

Procedure: Distribute the documentation to the people who will be performing the tasks. Training may also be required, along with pilot testing to iron out kinks.


For all three, establish mechanisms for regular review and updates. Solicit feedback from people who are directly impacted to make necessary improvements.

In summary, policies provide the "why," processes provide the "what," and procedures provide the "how." By clearly defining, documenting, and communicating these three components, an organization can ensure more effective and efficient operations.

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Tim HJ Rogers

Adapt Consulting Company

We support people and organisations with Processes, Projects and Change

There is an optimum combination of factors or qualities which help people and organisations transform. It is a blend of listening, challenging and sharing and comes from expertise, experience, curiosity and a passion to perform. We deliver projects and change, and improve the confidence, capacity, drive and desire of the people we work with. We understand data, technology and process and support people to drive performance and progress for purpose, profit and planet.

We support businesses with people, process and technology change. Either small (eg SME start-ups) or large (eg privatisation of public-sector organisations). We do this as Consultant/Project Manager sometimes setting-up an in-house Project Management Office (PMO) and Change Team. We also Mentor for programmes like the UK BeTheBusiness.

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