Thursday 11 May 2023



Sending briefing notes or slides ahead of a meeting has several benefits that can make the meeting more productive and efficient. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Preparation: It allows participants to prepare for the meeting in advance. They can familiarize themselves with the topic, think about questions or comments they might have, and be ready to engage in discussion.

2. Efficiency: It helps make the meeting more efficient. If participants have the information beforehand, you can spend less time on presenting information and more time on discussion, problem-solving, or decision-making.

3. Inclusion: It ensures that all participants, including those who may be introverted or need more time to process information, have an opportunity to contribute. They can formulate their thoughts and ideas in advance rather than being put on the spot.

4. Accessibility: It can be helpful for participants who may have difficulties keeping up with information presented orally during a meeting, such as those with hearing difficulties or whose first language is not the language of the meeting.

5. Focus: It can help participants to focus on the key points of the meeting. If they know the agenda and the main topics in advance, they can focus their attention on these areas.

6. Record: Providing written material in advance also creates a record of the information to be discussed, which can be useful for future reference or for those unable to attend the meeting.

7. Engagement: Having access to the material beforehand can increase participants' engagement during the meeting. They'll have the context and understanding to contribute effectively to the discussions.

Remember, for this approach to be effective, it's important to send out the briefing notes or slides with sufficient time for participants to review them before the meeting.

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